Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Where The Heck Is Lambert?

If some of you are wondering where the heck I have been for the last few weeks, look no further than this post. I have been working on my first novel called the The Lambda Initiative. I have the first draft complete and I started editing it tonight. Can I just say that editing is for the birds?
I tried to get my wonderful wife to do it but she refused and it is just as well. I am making so many marks on the page that it is a sea of green ink. I know. It should be red but all I had was a green marker. Here is the front and back cover design (preliminary).
If any of you are hurt that I did not tell you, please don't be. I simply did not want to jinx myself ;-).

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Issue 4 Of Punk IT

A new issue of Punk IT, Send In The Clowns, is at Enjoy!

End Of An Era

Well, it's official. We have officially closed down Guinterface Software. The website now points off to my website. We are no longer selling anything Guinterface. I'm not quite sure if we'll do anything with TaskTastic. 130+ downloads from and still no sales. I'm pretty sure it is a complete and utter loser as well ;-). That's OK. It's been fun, I've learned alot, pressed the edges of my abilities back 100s of miles so to speak.

The really nice thing about all of this is that my evening free time has expanded considerably. I actually have a life again (thank goodness). It would be nice to have the money back but that was declining anyway. Time to get used to a lower standard of living ;-).

I have to admit, it kind of makes me sad. There was a lot of work that went into the building of Guinterface Software. Hopefully, I can apply what I learned to lead some venture to success in the future.